Matplotlib Learning Notes - Part 9 (Creating voltage and current lists for plotting)
Below is the python program to create the voltage and current lists for plotting the I-V curve.
The two lists created are:
VoltageList = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 194.0, 206.0, 221.0, 241.0, 250.0, 271.0, 486.0, 488.0, 490.0, 492.0, 495.0, 498.0, 500.0]
CurrentList = [0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.11, 0.24, 0.34, 0.46, 0.57, 0.8, 0.78, 1.01, 1.11, 1.21, 1.32, 1.41, 1.51, 1.6, 1.7, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.95, 2.06, 2.32, 2.32, 2.49, 2.63]
Next step is to use the two lists to plot the I-V curve.
# tlfong01 2020dec16hkt2214
# Description of program
# Part A - Background
# 1. This Rpi4B Thonny python 3.7.3 program is used for matplotlib newbies to learn how to use the very basic
# the baisc plotting functions.
# 2. The tunnel diode I-V measurement dictionary is a list of 33 pairs of I-V numbers, each pair corresponding to
# a point in the two dimenionl graph, where Y-axia is current fn X-axis voltage of the diode under test.
# 3. Version 1 of the experiment uses a simple manual adjustable voltage source to power the diode, and two
# multi-meters are used by hand to take the current and voltage readings and input to an Excel worksheet
# for subsequent data analysis and graph plotting.
# 4. Version 2 of the same experiment is trying to use Rpi4B python to control a digital 12-bit DAC and two
# 12-bit ADC's to measure current through the diode and also voltage across it.
# 5. The test data used for this program is the raw data of one set of 33 pairs of numbers, with each pair
# represents one measuremnt current and associated voltage.
# 6. For this feasibility test program, the Excel worksheet of 33 rows of data has already been manually copied
# and pasted to a python dictionary.
# Part B - Description of the Tunnel Diode I-V Curv Plotting Function diodePlot()
# 1. Convert the python dictionary data into two lists, one containg 33 current values, the ohter 33 voltage
# values.
# 2. Use the matplotlib module to plot the current values vs the voltage values.
# Description of function diodePlot()
# *** Diode Dictionariesy ***
diodeDataDictionary01 = {
'Title' : 'Diode Data Dictionary',
'Version' : 'v0.8',
'Date' : '2020dec16hkt2109',
'Author' : 'tlfong01',
'Description' : 'Inputs a diode dictionary and plots the I-V curve',
'Measurements' :
{ '2BS4B-01' : { 'DiodeName' : '2SB4B',
'SampleNum' : '1',
'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus0',
'DvBaseAddrName' : '0x20',
'DataPoints' : { '0' : {'mV' : 0.10, 'mA': 0.02, 'Zone' : '1'},
'1' : {'mV' : 0.20, 'mA': 0.02, 'Zone' : '1'},
'2' : {'mV' : 0.30, 'mA': 0.03, 'Zone' : '1'},
'3' : {'mV' : 0.40, 'mA': 0.05, 'Zone' : '1'},
'4' : {'mV' : 0.50, 'mA': 0.06, 'Zone' : '1'},
'5' : {'mV' : 1.00, 'mA': 0.11, 'Zone' : '1'},
'6' : {'mV' : 2.00, 'mA': 0.24, 'Zone' : '1'},
'7' : {'mV' : 3.00, 'mA': 0.34, 'Zone' : '1'},
'8' : {'mV' : 4.00, 'mA': 0.46, 'Zone' : '1'},
'9' : {'mV' : 5.00, 'mA': 0.57, 'Zone' : '1'},
'10' : {'mV' : 6.00, 'mA': 0.80, 'Zone' : '1'},
'11' : {'mV' : 7.00, 'mA': 0.78, 'Zone' : '1'},
'12' : {'mV' : 9.00, 'mA': 1.01, 'Zone' : '1'},
'13' : {'mV' : 10.00, 'mA': 1.11, 'Zone' : '1'},
'14' : {'mV' : 11.00, 'mA': 1.21, 'Zone' : '1'},
'15' : {'mV' : 12.00, 'mA': 1.32, 'Zone' : '1'},
'16' : {'mV' : 13.00, 'mA': 1.41, 'Zone' : '1'},
'17' : {'mV' : 14.00, 'mA': 1.51, 'Zone' : '1'},
'18' : {'mV' : 15.00, 'mA': 1.60, 'Zone' : '1'},
'19' : {'mV' : 16.00, 'mA': 1.70, 'Zone' : '1'},
'20' : {'mV' : 194.00, 'mA': 1.88, 'Zone' : '2'},
'21' : {'mV' : 206.00, 'mA': 1.88, 'Zone' : '2'},
'22' : {'mV' : 221.00, 'mA': 1.88, 'Zone' : '2'},
'23' : {'mV' : 241.00, 'mA': 1.88, 'Zone' : '2'},
'24' : {'mV' : 250.00, 'mA': 1.88, 'Zone' : '2'},
'25' : {'mV' : 271.00, 'mA': 1.88, 'Zone' : '2'},
'26' : {'mV' : 486.00, 'mA': 1.88, 'Zone' : '3'},
'27' : {'mV' : 488.00, 'mA': 1.95, 'Zone' : '3'},
'28' : {'mV' : 490.00, 'mA': 2.06, 'Zone' : '3'},
'29' : {'mV' : 492.00, 'mA': 2.32, 'Zone' : '3'},
'30' : {'mV' : 495.00, 'mA': 2.32, 'Zone' : '3'},
'31' : {'mV' : 498.00, 'mA': 2.49, 'Zone' : '3'},
'32' : {'mV' : 500.00, 'mA': 2.63, 'Zone' : '3'},
'2SB4B-02' : { 'DiodeName' : '2SB4B'},
'2SB4-01' : { 'DiodeName' : '2SB4'},
'2SB3-01' : { 'DiodeName' : '2SB3'},
# *** Plotting Functions ***
def printDiodeDataDictionary(diodeDataDict, diodeName): # Just printing out dictionary data for debugging - tlfong01 2020dec16hkt2040)
print('Begin printDiodeDataDictionary(), ...')
print(' Title = ', diodeDataDict['Title'])
print(' Diode Name = ', diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DiodeName'])
print(' I2cBusName = ', diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['I2cBusName'])
print(' DvBaseAddrName = ', diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DvBaseAddrName'])
print(' DataPoints = Num mV mA')
for dataPointNum in range(len(diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'])):
print(' ', (str(dataPointNum)).rjust(3), \
('{:.2f}'.format(diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'][str(dataPointNum)]['mV'])).rjust(8), end = '')
print(('{:.2f}'.format(diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'][str(dataPointNum)]['mA'])).rjust(8), ' ')
print('End printDiodeDataDictionary().')
def listDiodeDataDictionary(diodeDataDict, diodeName): # Just printing out dictionary data for debugging - tlfong01 2020dec16hkt2040)
print('Begin listDiodeDataDictionary(), ...')
print(' Title = ', diodeDataDict['Title'])
print(' Diode Name = ', diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DiodeName'])
# ***Extract I-V values from device data dictionary and compile two lists for matplotlib to plot the I-V curve ***
# *** Print voltage and current values (debugging only) ***
# *** print voltage values ***
print(' ', 'Voltage values = mV ')
for dataPointNum in range(len(diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'])):
print(' ', diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'][str(dataPointNum)]['mV'], ' ',end = '')
print(' ', 'Current values = mA ')
for dataPointNum in range(len(diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'])):
print(' ', diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'][str(dataPointNum)]['mA'], ' ',end = '')
# *** Creat voltage list and current list ***
voltageList = []
currentList = []
for dataPointNum in range(len(diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'])):
for dataPointNum in range(len(diodeDataDict['Measurements'][diodeName]['DataPoints'])):
print(' VoltageList =', voltageList)
print(' CurrentList =', currentList)
print('End listDiodeDataDictionary().')
# *** Main Fnction ***
# *** 1. Print Tunnel Diode Data Dictionary ***
#printDiodeDataDictionary(diodeDataDictionary01, '2BS4B-01')
# *** 2. List Tunnel Diode DataDictionary ***
listDiodeDataDictionary(diodeDataDictionary01, '2BS4B-01')
# *** End of program ***
# Appendix B - Sample Output ***
# *** Begin sample output ***
>>> %Run
Begin listDiodeDataDictionary(), ...
Title = Diode Data Dictionary
Diode Name = 2SB4B
VoltageList = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 194.0, 206.0, 221.0, 241.0, 250.0, 271.0, 486.0, 488.0, 490.0, 492.0, 495.0, 498.0, 500.0]
CurrentList = [0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.11, 0.24, 0.34, 0.46, 0.57, 0.8, 0.78, 1.01, 1.11, 1.21, 1.32, 1.41, 1.51, 1.6, 1.7, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.88, 1.95, 2.06, 2.32, 2.32, 2.49, 2.63]
End listDiodeDataDictionary().
# *** End sample output ***
# *** End of program, appendices, and sample output ***
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