Saturday 28 2020

Tunnel Diode Load Line Reading Log - Part 1/2

Tunnel Diode Load Line Reading Log - Part 1/2

Now I am studying South Carolina University's Online Course EL563 Section 8 Tunnel Diodes.

Part I Tunnel Diode principles Concept of Electron Tunneling (Page 30) 

Reading Log 

Quantum mechanics says that the electron wave nature will allow it to tunnel through the barrier. (Page 17 onwards)

When the p and n region are highly doped, the depletion region becomes very thin (~10nm).

In such case, there is a finite probability that electrons can tunnel from the conduction band of n-region to the valence band of p-region

During the tunneling the particle ENERGY DOES NOT CHANGE

When the semiconductor is very highly doped (the doping is greater than No) the Fermi level goes above the conduction band for n-type and below valence band for p-type material. These are called degenerate materials.

As more forward voltage is applied, the tunneling current drops to zero. But the regular diode forward current due to electron – hole injection increases due to lower potential barrier. 

The TD reverse I-V is similar to the Zener diode with nearly zero breakdown voltage.

It has a negative differential resistance (NDR) region

Tunnel Diode differential resistance is NEGATIVE in the voltage range 100 mV – 200 mV (Question - How does he captures the scope screen?)

Nonlinear Circuit Analysis: Load Line technique (Page 17) 

Circuit with the Tunnel Diode and Resistor (Page 30) 


Appendix A - Carolina University Online Course EL563


01 Introduction


02 Semiconductors I - Intrinsic


03 Semiconductors II-Doped; transport


04 P-n junction basics


05 Reverse biased junction & breakdown


06 Diode rectifier, p-n junction at forward bias


07 P-n junction capacitance


08 Tunnel Diodes


09 Schottky & Ohmic Contacts


10 Photodiodes and LEDs


11 Gunn Diodes


12 Diode equivalent circuits


14 Transistors - Introduction- FETs


15 MOSFET threshold Voltage


16 MOSFET I-V and C-V


17 MOSFET amplifiers & eq circuit






20 Bipolar Juncton Transistor principles


21 BJT circuits, gain and design


22 BJT high-freq equiv circuits


23 BJT models and equiv circuits



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "How does he captures the scope screen?" I guess he uses an oscilloscope with a USB port or some interface.

    1. Well, I am going to do something like this. (1) Use Rpi4B Thonny python to tell PCA8951 DAC to repeatedly, say at 100 kHz DC sweep 0V to 1V, (2) Use my US$300, 50MHz, 1G samples/second digital scope to catch the electrons swimming through the quantum tunnel!


Joe Biden

RCA Tunnel Diode Manual - RCA 1966

 RCA Tunnel Diode Manual - RCA 1966