MCP3201 ADC Learning Notes - Part 1 (Memory Refreshing Notes)
Thursday 31 2020
Wednesday 30 2020
KA431 Shunt Regulator Learning Notes - Part 1 (Datasheet)
KA431 Shunt Regulator Learning Notes - Part 1 (Datasheet)
KA431 Programmable Shun Regulator Datasheet
The KA431A and KA431L are three−terminal adjustable regulators with a guaranteed thermal stability over the operating temperature range. The output voltage can be set to any value between VREF
(approximately 2.5 V) and 36 V with two external resistors. These devices have a typical dynamic output impedance of 0.2 . Active output circuitry provides a sharp turn−on characteristic, making these devices excellent replacements for Zener diodes in many applications.
Programmable Output Voltage to 36 V
Low Dynamic Output Impedance: 0.2 (Typical)
Sink Current Capability: 1.0 to 100 mA
Equivalent Full−Range Temperature Coefficient of 50 ppm/°C (Typical)
Temperature Compensated for Operation Over Full Rated Operating Temperature Range
Low Output Noise Voltage
Fast Turn−on Response
MCP4725 DAC Learning Notes - Part 8 (Quad DAC Board Setup)
MCP4725 DAC Learning Notes - Part 8 (Quad DAC Board Setup)
Monday 28 2020
MCP4725 DAC Learning Notes - Part 7 (Calibration OK)
MCP4725 DAC Learning Notes - Part 7 (Calibration OK)
# tlfong01 2020dec28hkt1551
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from signal import pause
import os
import sys
import smbus
# *** Config ***
i2cBus1 = smbus.SMBus(1)
i2cBusDict = {'I2cBus1': i2cBus1,
# *** System Functions ***
def pause(pauseTimeName):
def convertTwoCompNumToDecNum(twoCompNum):
twoCompNumStr = bin(twoCompNum)
numBytes = 2
val = int(twoCompNumStr, numBytes)
b = val.to_bytes(numBytes, byteorder=sys.byteorder, signed = False)
return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder = sys.byteorder, signed = True)
i2cControlByteDict = {
'TenMilliSeconds' : 0.01,
'FourTimes' : 4,
'OneMillionTimes' : 1000000,
'TwentyMilliSeconds' : 0.02,
timeNowLong = str(
timeNowShort = str([0:16]
# *** System Config Functions ***
def getSystemInfo():
print('\n# *** System Info *****************************************************')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'Date', '<<<<<')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'linux version', 'buster version, Rpi4B model, Rpi4B memory', '<<<<<')
os.system('cat /etc/')
os.system('uname -a')
os.system('grep Model /proc/cpuinfo')
os.system('grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'i2c baudrate', '<<<<<')
os.system('grep dtparam=i2c /boot/config.txt')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'i2c dtoverlay', '<<<<<')
os.system('grep dtoverlay=i2c /boot/config.txt')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'ls /dev/i2c*', '<<<<<')
os.system('ls /dev/i2c*')
i2cdetectCommand = 'i2cdetect -y 1'
print('\n>>>>> ', i2cdetectCommand, '<<<<<')
#i2cdetectCommand = 'i2cdetect -y 3'
#print('\n>>>>> ', i2cdetectCommand, '<<<<<')
#i2cdetectCommand = 'i2cdetect -y 4'
#print('\n>>>>> ', i2cdetectCommand, '<<<<<')
def getUartConfigInfo():
print('\n# *** UART BaudRate *****************************************************')
os.system('grep dtparam=i2c /boot/config.txt')
# *** Write/Read Device One Byte ***
def quickWriteDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte):
i2cBus.write_byte(devAddr, writeByte)
def quickReadDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr):
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte(devAddr)
return readByte
# *** Write/Read/Print Device Two Bytes / Device Register One Byte ***
def writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2):
i2cBus.write_byte_data(devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2)
def writeDevThreeBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2, writeByte3):
i2cBus.write_block_data(devAddr, writeByte1, [writeByte2, writeByte3])
def writeRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regName, writeByte):
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
regAddr = regAddrDict[regName]
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, regAddr, writeByte)
def readDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrAddr, readByteAddr):
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, readByteAddr)
return readByte
def readDevReadByteAddrByteOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrAddr, readByteAddr): # !!! Not Tested !!!
readByte = readDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrAddr, readByteAddr)
return readByte
def readDevControlByteOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr, controlByte):
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, controlByte)
return readByte
def readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devName, regAddrDict, regName):
devAddr = devAddrDict[devName]
regAddr = regAddrDict[regName]
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, regAddr)
return readByte
def printRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devName, regAddrDict, regName):
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBusName, devAddrDict, devName, regAddrDict, regName)
print(printTitle, hex(readByte))
# *** Device Write / Read / Print Register Functions ***
def readRegister(busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
return readByte
def readVerifyRegister(moduleType, moduleNickName, busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, controlByteDict, verifyByteName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
verifyByte = controlByteDict[verifyByteName]
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
if readByte == verifyByte:
verifyResultsString = 'Success'
verifyResultsString = 'Failure'
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
fprint.printTitleString('Date Time', fprint.indentFormat640, str([0:16])
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleType', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleType)
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleNickName', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleNickName)
fprint.printTitleString('I2C Bus Name', fprint.indentFormat640, busName)
fprint.printTitleString('Device Addr Name', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Device Address', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('Register Name', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('VerifyByte', fprint.indentFormat640, verifyByte)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Byte Read from Register', fprint.indentFormat640, readByte)
fprint.printTitleString('Verify Results', fprint.indentFormat640, verifyResultsString)
return verifyResultsString
def writeVerifyRegister(moduleType, moduleNickName, busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, controlByteDict, writeByteName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
writeByte = controlByteDict[writeByteName]
writeRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, writeByte)
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
if readByte == writeByte:
resultsString = 'Success'
resultsString = 'Failure'
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
fprint.printTitleString('Date Time', fprint.indentFormat640, str([0:16])
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleType', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleType)
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleNickName', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleNickName)
fprint.printTitleString('I2C Bus Name', fprint.indentFormat640, busName)
fprint.printTitleString('Device Addr Name', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Device Address', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('Register Name', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Byte Written to Register', fprint.indentFormat640, writeByte)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Byte Read back from Register', fprint.indentFormat640, readByte)
fprint.printTitleString('Verify Results', fprint.indentFormat640, resultsString)
def writeVerifyModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, regAddrName, writeByteName):
moduleDict = moduleDictDict[moduleTypeName]
moduleType = moduleDict['ModuleType']
busName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
controlByteDict = moduleDict['ControlByteDict']
devAddrDict = moduleDict['DevAddrDict']
devAddrName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
regAddrDict = moduleDict['RegAddrDict']
regAddr = regAddrDict[regAddrName]
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
writeByte = controlByteDict[writeByteName]
writeRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, writeByte)
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
if readByte == writeByte:
writeVerifyResultsString = 'Success'
writeVerifyResultsString = 'Failure'
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
fprint.printTitleString('Date Time', fprint.indentFormat640, str([0:16])
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleType', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleType)
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleNickName', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleNickName)
fprint.printTitleString('I2C Bus Name', fprint.indentFormat640, busName)
fprint.printTitleString('Device Addr Name', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Device Address Byte', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('Register Name', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Register Address Byte', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('WriteByteName', fprint.indentFormat640, writeByteName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('WriteByte (Written to Register)', fprint.indentFormat640, writeByte)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('ReadByte (Read from Register)', fprint.indentFormat640, readByte)
fprint.printTitleString('Write Verify Results', fprint.indentFormat640, writeVerifyResultsString)
return writeVerifyResultsString
def pingModule(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName):
moduleDict = moduleDictDict[moduleTypeName]
moduleType = moduleDict['ModuleType']
busName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
controlByteDict = moduleDict['ControlByteDict']
devAddrDict = moduleDict['DevAddrDict']
devAddrName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
regAddrDict = moduleDict['RegAddrDict']
regAddrName = moduleDict['PingRegAddrName']
writeByteName = moduleDict['PingWriteByteName']
writeVerifyRegister(moduleType, moduleNickName, busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName,
controlByteDict, writeByteName)
def readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, regAddrName):
moduleDict = moduleDictDict[moduleTypeName]
moduleType = moduleDict['ModuleType']
busName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
controlByteDict = moduleDict['ControlByteDict']
devAddrDict = moduleDict['DevAddrDict']
devAddrName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
regAddrDict = moduleDict['RegAddrDict']
readByte = readRegister(busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
return readByte
def readRegister(busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
return readByte
# ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
# *** MCP4725 ***
# ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
mcp4725I2cDevAddr = 0x60
mcp4725DevAddrDict = {
'DevAddr0': 0x60,
'DevAddr1': 0x61,
mcp4725ControlByteDict = {
'ChannelNum0': 0x00,
'ChannelNum1': 0x01,
mcp4725ModuleDict = {
'ModuleType' : 'MCP4725',
'GreenTea': {'SignalName' : 'GreenTea',
'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus4',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
'ChannelNumName' : 'ChannelNum0',
# *** Digital and Analog Conversion Functions *
def digiAnaConvertV08(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal):
writePowerModeDigiValMsb = (writePowerMode << 4) | ((digiVal & 0xf00) >> 8)
#writePowerModeDigiValMsb = 0x0f
digiValLsb = digiVal & 0x0ff
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' writePowerMode =', hex(writePowerMode))
print(' digiVal =', hex(digiVal))
print(' writePowerModeDigiValMsb =', hex(writePowerModeDigiValMsb))
print(' digiValLsb =', hex(digiValLsb))
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerModeDigiValMsb, digiValLsb)
def testDigiAnaConvertV08():
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
writePowerMode = 0x0
digiVal = 0xfff
pauseSeconds = 1
digiVal = 0x0ff
for dacCount in range(15):
digiAnaConvertV08(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
digiVal = digiVal + 0x100
# *** DC Sweep Functions ***
def daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal):
#print('Begin daConvertV09(), ...')
writePowerModeDigiValMsb = (writePowerMode << 4) | ((digiVal & 0xf00) >> 8)
digiValLsb = digiVal & 0x0ff
#print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
#print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
#print(' writePowerMode =', hex(writePowerMode))
#print(' digiVal =', hex(digiVal))
#print(' writePowerModeDigiValMsb =', hex(writePowerModeDigiValMsb))
#print(' digiValLsb =', hex(digiValLsb))
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerModeDigiValMsb, digiValLsb)
#print('End daConvertV09().')
def dcSweepV01():
#print('Begin testDaConvertV09(), ...')
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
writePowerMode = 0b0000
digiValBegin = 0x000
digiValEnd = 0xfff
TenMilliSeconds = 0.01
digiVal = digiValBegin
for convertCount in range(100):
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
digiVal = digiVal + 0x50
#print('End testDaConvertV09().')
def testDcSweepV01():
print('Begin testDcSweepV01(), ...')
for testCount in range(100000):
print('End testDcSweepV01(), ...')
digiValDict = \
{ 'FullScale' : 0xfff, # 3.29V (no load)
'HalfScale' : 0x800, # 1.65V
'ZeroScale' : 0x000, # 0.00V
'3.00V' : 0xe98,
'1.50V' : 0xe98 >> 1,
'0.75V' : 0xe98 >> 2,
'0.77V' : (0xe98 >> 2) + 0x020,
'0.01V' : 0x010,
'0.02V' : 0x020,
'0.00V' : 0x000,
devAddrDict = \
'Mcp4725' : 0x60
def testCalibrate():
print('Begin testCalibrate(), ...')
i2cBusName = 'I2cBus1'
devAddrName = 'Mcp4725'
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[i2cBusName]
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
writePowerMode = 0b0000
digiValBegin = 0x000
digiValEnd = 0xfff
digiVal = digiValDict['FullScale']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', 'FullScale')
print('End testCalibrate().')
digiVal = digiValDict['HalfScale']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', 'HalfScale')
print('End testCalibrate().')
digiVal = digiValDict['ZeroScale']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', 'ZeroScale')
print('End testCalibrate().')
digiVal = digiValDict['3.00V']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', '3.00V')
digiVal = digiValDict['1.50V']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', '1.50')
digiVal = digiValDict['0.75V']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', '0.75V')
digiVal = digiValDict['0.01V']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', '0.01V')
digiVal = digiValDict['0.02V']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', '0.02V')
digiVal = digiValDict['0.77V']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', '0.77V')
digiVal = digiValDict['0.00V']
daConvertV09(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
print('DigiVal =', '0.00V')
print('End testCalibrate().')
# *** Init/Main Function ***
def init():
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# *** End of Program ********************************************************************
# *** 11. Sample Outputs ***
# *** End of Sample Output ***
Sunday 27 2020
MCP4725 DAC Learning Notes - Part 6 (DC Sweep Function Tested OK)
MCP4725 DAC Learning Notes - Part 6 (DC Sweep Function Tested OK)
# tlfong01 2020dec27hkt2101
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from signal import pause
import os
import sys
import smbus
# *** Contents ***
# 00. References
# 01. I2C Bus Config
# 02. Raspbian System Config Functions
# 03. I2C General Read/Write/Print Device/Register Functions
# 04. I2C Device Config
# 05. I2C Device Functions
# 06. I2C Device Test Functions
# 10. I2C Init/Main Functions
# 11. Sample Outputs
# *** 0. Programming Notes and References ***
# I2c Bus Setup Notes
# pi@raspberrypi:~ $ date Wed 28 Aug 2019 03:26:24 PM HKT
# pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a
# Linux raspberrypi 4.19.58-v7l+ #1245 SMP Fri Jul 12 17:31:45 BST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
# pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano /boot/config.txt
# dtoverlay=i2c1,pins_2_3 (board pins 3, 5)
# dtoverlay=i2c3,pins_4_5 (board pins 7, 29)
# dtoverlay=i2c4,pins_6_7 (board pins 31, 26)
# dtoverlay=i2c5,pins_12_13 (board pins 32, 33)
# dtoverlay=i2c6,pins_22_23 (board pins 15, 16)
# pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls /dev/i2c*
# /dev/i2c-1 /dev/i2c-3 /dev/i2c-4 /dev/i2c-5 /dev/i2c-6
# *** 1. I2c Bus Config ***
i2cBus1 = smbus.SMBus(1)
#i2cBus3 = smbus.SMBus(3)
#i2cBus4 = smbus.SMBus(4)
#i2cBus6 = smbus.SMBus(6)
i2cBusDict = {'I2cBus1': i2cBus1,
#'I2cBus3': i2cBus3,
#'I2cBus4': i2cBus4,
#'I2cBus6': i2cBus6,
# *** To Debug ***
# i2cBus5 = smbus.SMBus(5) # <<< not working *** !!!
# i2cBus5': i2cBus5, # <<<<< Not working !!!
# i2cBus4 not working!!!
# *** System Functions ***
def pause(pauseTimeName):
def convertTwoCompNumToDecNum(twoCompNum):
twoCompNumStr = bin(twoCompNum)
numBytes = 2
val = int(twoCompNumStr, numBytes)
b = val.to_bytes(numBytes, byteorder=sys.byteorder, signed = False)
return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder = sys.byteorder, signed = True)
i2cControlByteDict = {
'TenMilliSeconds' : 0.01,
'FourTimes' : 4,
'OneMillionTimes' : 1000000,
'TwentyMilliSeconds' : 0.02,
timeNowLong = str(
timeNowShort = str([0:16]
# *** 2. System Config Functions ***
def getSystemInfo():
print('\n# *** System Info *****************************************************')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'Date', '<<<<<')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'linux version', 'buster version, Rpi4B model, Rpi4B memory', '<<<<<')
os.system('cat /etc/')
os.system('uname -a')
os.system('grep Model /proc/cpuinfo')
os.system('grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'i2c baudrate', '<<<<<')
os.system('grep dtparam=i2c /boot/config.txt')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'i2c dtoverlay', '<<<<<')
os.system('grep dtoverlay=i2c /boot/config.txt')
print('\n>>>>> ', 'ls /dev/i2c*', '<<<<<')
os.system('ls /dev/i2c*')
i2cdetectCommand = 'i2cdetect -y 1'
print('\n>>>>> ', i2cdetectCommand, '<<<<<')
#i2cdetectCommand = 'i2cdetect -y 3'
#print('\n>>>>> ', i2cdetectCommand, '<<<<<')
#i2cdetectCommand = 'i2cdetect -y 4'
#print('\n>>>>> ', i2cdetectCommand, '<<<<<')
def getUartConfigInfo():
print('\n# *** UART BaudRate *****************************************************')
os.system('grep dtparam=i2c /boot/config.txt')
# *** 3. I2C Read Write Print Device/Register Functions ***
# *** Contents ***
# 3.1 quickWriteDevOneByte()
# 3.2 quickReadDevOneByte()
# 3.3 writeDevTwoBytes()
# 3.4 writeRegOneByte()
# 3.4 readDevOneByte
# 3.4 readDevReadByteAddrByteOneByte
# 3.4 readDevControlByteOneByte
# 3.4 readRegOneByte
# 3.4 printRegOneByte
# 3.4 writeDevThreeBytes
# *** Write/Read Device One Byte ***
# *** 3.1 ***
def quickWriteDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte):
i2cBus.write_byte(devAddr, writeByte)
# *** 3.3 ***
def quickReadDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr):
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte(devAddr)
return readByte
# *** Write/Read/Print Device Two Bytes / Device Register One Byte ***
# *** 3.3 ***
def writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2):
i2cBus.write_byte_data(devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2)
def writeDevThreeBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2, writeByte3):
i2cBus.write_block_data(devAddr, writeByte1, [writeByte2, writeByte3])
# *** 3.4 ***
def writeRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regName, writeByte):
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
regAddr = regAddrDict[regName]
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, regAddr, writeByte)
def readDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrAddr, readByteAddr):
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, readByteAddr)
return readByte
def readDevReadByteAddrByteOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrAddr, readByteAddr): # !!! Not Tested !!!
readByte = readDevOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrAddr, readByteAddr)
return readByte
def readDevControlByteOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr, controlByte):
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, controlByte)
return readByte
def readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devName, regAddrDict, regName):
devAddr = devAddrDict[devName]
regAddr = regAddrDict[regName]
readByte = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, regAddr)
return readByte
def printRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devName, regAddrDict, regName):
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBusName, devAddrDict, devName, regAddrDict, regName)
print(printTitle, hex(readByte))
# *** 4. Device Write / Read / Print Register Functions ***
# *** Contents ***
# 4.1 readRegister()
# 4.2 writeVerifyRegister()
# 4.3 pingModule()
def readRegister(busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
return readByte
def readVerifyRegister(moduleType, moduleNickName, busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, controlByteDict, verifyByteName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
verifyByte = controlByteDict[verifyByteName]
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
if readByte == verifyByte:
verifyResultsString = 'Success'
verifyResultsString = 'Failure'
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
fprint.printTitleString('Date Time', fprint.indentFormat640, str([0:16])
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleType', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleType)
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleNickName', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleNickName)
fprint.printTitleString('I2C Bus Name', fprint.indentFormat640, busName)
fprint.printTitleString('Device Addr Name', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Device Address', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('Register Name', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('VerifyByte', fprint.indentFormat640, verifyByte)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Byte Read from Register', fprint.indentFormat640, readByte)
fprint.printTitleString('Verify Results', fprint.indentFormat640, verifyResultsString)
return verifyResultsString
def writeVerifyRegister(moduleType, moduleNickName, busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, controlByteDict, writeByteName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
writeByte = controlByteDict[writeByteName]
writeRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, writeByte)
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
if readByte == writeByte:
resultsString = 'Success'
resultsString = 'Failure'
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
fprint.printTitleString('Date Time', fprint.indentFormat640, str([0:16])
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleType', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleType)
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleNickName', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleNickName)
fprint.printTitleString('I2C Bus Name', fprint.indentFormat640, busName)
fprint.printTitleString('Device Addr Name', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Device Address', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('Register Name', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Byte Written to Register', fprint.indentFormat640, writeByte)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Byte Read back from Register', fprint.indentFormat640, readByte)
fprint.printTitleString('Verify Results', fprint.indentFormat640, resultsString)
def writeVerifyModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, regAddrName, writeByteName):
moduleDict = moduleDictDict[moduleTypeName]
moduleType = moduleDict['ModuleType']
busName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
controlByteDict = moduleDict['ControlByteDict']
devAddrDict = moduleDict['DevAddrDict']
devAddrName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
regAddrDict = moduleDict['RegAddrDict']
regAddr = regAddrDict[regAddrName]
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
writeByte = controlByteDict[writeByteName]
writeRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName, writeByte)
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
if readByte == writeByte:
writeVerifyResultsString = 'Success'
writeVerifyResultsString = 'Failure'
devAddr = devAddrDict[devAddrName]
fprint.printTitleString('Date Time', fprint.indentFormat640, str([0:16])
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleType', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleType)
fprint.printTitleString('ModuleNickName', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleNickName)
fprint.printTitleString('I2C Bus Name', fprint.indentFormat640, busName)
fprint.printTitleString('Device Addr Name', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Device Address Byte', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('Register Name', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddrName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Register Address Byte', fprint.indentFormat640, regAddr)
fprint.printTitleString('WriteByteName', fprint.indentFormat640, writeByteName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('WriteByte (Written to Register)', fprint.indentFormat640, writeByte)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('ReadByte (Read from Register)', fprint.indentFormat640, readByte)
fprint.printTitleString('Write Verify Results', fprint.indentFormat640, writeVerifyResultsString)
return writeVerifyResultsString
# Notes
# For Mode1 register, Test byte 0x88, 0x77 returns 0x58, 0x77. In other words, some bits are hardwired.
def pingModule(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName):
moduleDict = moduleDictDict[moduleTypeName]
moduleType = moduleDict['ModuleType']
busName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
controlByteDict = moduleDict['ControlByteDict']
devAddrDict = moduleDict['DevAddrDict']
devAddrName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
regAddrDict = moduleDict['RegAddrDict']
regAddrName = moduleDict['PingRegAddrName']
writeByteName = moduleDict['PingWriteByteName']
writeVerifyRegister(moduleType, moduleNickName, busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName,
controlByteDict, writeByteName)
def pingModuleList(moduleType, moduleNickNameList):
for moduleNickName in moduleNickNameList:
pingModule(moduleType, moduleNickName)
def readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, regAddrName):
moduleDict = moduleDictDict[moduleTypeName]
moduleType = moduleDict['ModuleType']
busName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
controlByteDict = moduleDict['ControlByteDict']
devAddrDict = moduleDict['DevAddrDict']
devAddrName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
regAddrDict = moduleDict['RegAddrDict']
readByte = readRegister(busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
return readByte
def readRegister(busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName):
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[busName]
readByte = readRegOneByte(i2cBus, devAddrDict, devAddrName, regAddrDict, regAddrName)
return readByte
def readVerifyModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, registerName, verifyByteName):
moduleDict = moduleDictDict[moduleTypeName]
moduleType = moduleDict['ModuleType']
busName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
controlByteDict = moduleDict['ControlByteDict']
devAddrDict = moduleDict['DevAddrDict']
devAddrName = moduleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
regAddrDict = moduleDict['RegAddrDict']
regAddrName = moduleDict['PingRegAddrName']
readVerifyResult = readVerifyRegister(moduleType, moduleNickName, busName, devAddrDict, devAddrName,
regAddrDict, regAddrName, controlByteDict, verifyByteName)
# *** 5. Device Config ***
# Contents
# 5.1 PCF8591 ADC/DAC Config
# 5.2 PCA9685 PWM Controller Config
# 5.3. MCP23017 IOX Config
# 5.4 ADXL345 Accelero Sensor Config
# *** 5.2 PCA9685 PWM Controller Config ***
pca9685DevAddrDict = {
'DevAddr0': 0x40,
'DevAddr1': 0x41,
'DevAddr2': 0x40,
'DevAddr3': 0x43,
'DevAddr4': 0x44,
'DevAddr5': 0x45,
'DevAddr6': 0x46,
'DevAddr7': 0x47,
pca9685RegAddrDict = { 'Mode1': 0x00,
'Mode2': 0x01,
pca9685ControlByteDict = {
'DataByte0x75' : 0x75,
'PingWriteByte' : 0x75,
pca9685ModuleDict = {
'ModuleType' : 'PCA9685',
'ModuleHelp' : 'PwmControllerHelp',
'DevAddrDict' : pca9685DevAddrDict,
'RegAddrDict' : pca9685RegAddrDict,
'ControlByteDict' : pca9685ControlByteDict,
'PingRegAddrName' : 'Mode1',
'PingWriteByteName' : 'PingWriteByte',
'Amy' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
'Betty' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr1',
'Cindy' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus3',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
'Daisy' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus3',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr2',
# *** 5.3 MCP23017 Iox Config ***
mcp23017DevAddrDict = {
'DevAddr0': 0x20,
'DevAddr1': 0x21,
'DevAddr2': 0x20,
'DevAddr3': 0x23,
'DevAddr4': 0x24,
'DevAddr5': 0x25,
'DevAddr6': 0x26,
'DevAddr7': 0x27,
mcp23017RegAddrDict = { 'IoDirRegAddrByteA': 0x00, }
mcp23017ControlByteDict = {
'DataByte0x55' : 0x55,
'DataByte0xaa' : 0xaa,
'PingWriteByte' : 0x55,
mcp23017ModuleDict = {
'ModuleType' : 'MCP23017',
'ModuleHelp' : 'Mcp23017IoxHelp',
'DevAddrDict' : mcp23017DevAddrDict,
'RegAddrDict' : mcp23017RegAddrDict,
'ControlByteDict' : mcp23017ControlByteDict,
'PingRegAddrName' : 'IoDirRegAddrByteA',
'PingWriteByteName' : 'PingWriteByte',
'Emily' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
'Fanny' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr1',
'Gracie' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr2',
'Heidi' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr3',
'Ivy' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr4',
# *** 5.4 ADXL345 Accelero Sensor Config ***
adxl345DevAddrDict = {
'DevAddr0': 0x1d,
adxl345RegAddrDict = {
'DevIdReg' : 0x00,
'DataFormatReg' : 0x31,
'PowerControlReg' : 0x2d,
'InterruptConfigReg' : 0x2e,
'DataX0' : 0x32,
'DataX1' : 0x33,
'DataY0' : 0x34,
'DataY1' : 0x35,
'DataZ0' : 0x36,
'DataZ1' : 0x37,
adxl345ControlByteDict = {
'DevIdByte' : 0xe5,
'Format16G13Bit' : 0x0B,
'StartMeasurement' : 0x08,
'InterruptDataReadyEnable' : 0x80,
'InterruptDataRedayDisable' : 0x00,
adxl345ModuleDict = {
'ModuleType' : 'ADXL345',
'ModuleHelp' : 'Adxl345AccelerometerHelp',
'DevAddrDict' : adxl345DevAddrDict,
'RegAddrDict' : adxl345RegAddrDict,
'ControlByteDict' : adxl345ControlByteDict,
'PingRegAddrName' : 'DevIdReg',
'PingWriteByteName' : 'DevIdByte',
'Jenny' : {'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus1',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
# *** Module Dict Dict ***
# *** 6. Device Functions
# *** 6.1 PCF8591 ADC/DAC PhMeter ADC And Test Functions ***
# *** Read PCF8591 Single Ended Input Channel 0 ***
#def readAdcResults(i2cBus, devAddr, controlByte):
# adcResults = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, controlByte)
# adcResults = i2cBus.read_byte_data(devAddr, controlByte)
# return adcResults
# *** Device Functions ***
def pcf8591ConvertModule(moduleNickName):
# fprint.printBeginExecFunction()
moduleType = pcf8591ModuleDict['ModuleType']
i2cBusName = pcf8591ModuleDict[moduleNickName]['I2cBusName']
devAddrName = pcf8591ModuleDict[moduleNickName]['DevAddrName']
channelNumName = pcf8591ModuleDict[moduleNickName]['ChannelNumName']
i2cBus = i2cBusDict[i2cBusName]
devAddr = pcf8591DevAddrDict[devAddrName]
controlByte = pcf8591ControlByteDict[channelNumName]
# adcResults = readAdcResults(i2cBus, devAddr, controlByte)
adcResults = readDevControlByteOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr, controlByte)
adcResults = readDevControlByteOneByte(i2cBus, devAddr, controlByte)
print('\n# *** PCF8591 ADC Testing *****************************************************\n')
fprint.printTitleString('Module Type', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleType)
fprint.printTitleString('Module Nick Name', fprint.indentFormat640, moduleNickName)
fprint.printTitleString('I2C Bus Name', fprint.indentFormat640, i2cBusName)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('PCF8591 I2C Device Addr', fprint.indentFormat640, devAddr)
fprint.printTitleOneByteNum('Channel Number', fprint.indentFormat640, pcf8591ControlByteDict[channelNumName])
print(' ADC Results =', fprint.convertOneByteNumToFourCharStr(adcResults), ' (hex)')
print(' =', (str(adcResults)).ljust(4, ' '), ' (dec)')
print(' =', (str(int((float((adcResults)/255) * 100)))).ljust(4, ' '), ' (%)')
# fprint.printEndExecFunction()
def pcf8591ConvertModuleList(moduleNickNameList):
for moduleNickName in moduleNickNameList:
# *** PCF8591 ADC Test Functions ***
def testPcf8591ConvertDefaultModule():
def testPcf8591ConvertModules():
def testPcf8591ConvertModuleList():
pcf8591ConvertModuleList(['GreenTea', 'Milk', 'Water', 'Oil'])
# *** 6.2 PCA9865 PWM Controller Functions***
# *** Device Functions ***
# *** PCA9685 PWM Controller Functions ***
# *** Test Functions ***
# *** Test Repeat Write Register ***
# *** Test Repeat Write to PCA9685 PWM Controller ***
def testRepeatWriteRegister(): # <<<<<<<<<< Not tested!!!
testRepeatWriteReadRegisterNoPrintResults('PCA9685', 'I2cBus1', 'Dev0', 'Mode1', '0x75', 'TenMilliSeconds', 'FourTimes')
testRepeatWriteReadRegisterNoPrintResults('PCA9685', 'I2cBus1', 'Dev0', 'Mode1', '0x75', 'TenMilliSeconds', 'OneMillionTimes')
# *** Test PCA9685 ***
def testPca9685PingDefaultModule():
pingModule('Pca9685', 'Amy')
def testPca9685PingModules():
pingModule('Pca9685', 'Amy')
pingModule('Pca9685', 'Betty')
pingModule('Pca9685', 'Cindy')
pingModule('Pca9685', 'Daisy')
def testPca9685PingModuleList():
pingModuleList('Pca9685', ['Amy', 'Betty', 'Cindy', 'Daisy'])
# *** Test MCP23017 ***
def testMcp23017PingDefaultModule():
pingModule('Mcp23017', 'Emily')
def testMcp23017PingModules():
pingModule('Mcp23017', 'Emily')
pingModule('Mcp23017', 'Fanny')
pingModule('Mcp23017', 'Gracie')
pingModule('Mcp23017', 'Heidi')
pingModule('Mcp23017', 'Ivy')
def testMcp23017PingModuleList():
pingModuleList('Mcp23017', ['Emily', 'Fanny', 'Gracie', 'Heidi', 'Ivy'])
# *** Test ADXL345 Accelerometer ***
def adxl345CheckDeviceId(moduleNickName):
# *** Ping Module ***
#pingModule('Adxl345', 'Jenny')
# *** Verify Mdoule Device Id ***
moduleTypeName = 'Adxl345'
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
readVerifyModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DevIdReg', 'DevIdByte')
def testAdxl345PingDefaultModule():
# *** Ping Module ***
#pingModule('Adxl345', 'Jenny')
# *** Verify Mdoule Device Id ***
readVerifyModuleRegister('Adxl345', 'Jenny', 'DevIdReg', 'DevIdByte')
# To delete 2019dec08hkt1456
#testWriteReadRegister('ADXL345', 'I2cBus1',
# adxl345DevAddrDict, 'DevAddr0',
# adxl345RegAddrDict, 'DeviceId',
# adxl345ControlByteDict, 'DataByte0x55')
#readByte = ReadRegister('I2cBus1', adxl345DevAddrDict, 'DevAddr0', adxl345RegAddrDict, 'DeviceId')
#print('Adxl345 DeviceId Reg =', hex(readByte))
def adxl345Init(moduleNickName):
moduleTypeName = 'Adxl345'
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
writeVerifyModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DataFormatReg', 'Format16G13Bit')
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
writeVerifyModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'PowerControlReg', 'StartMeasurement')
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
writeVerifyModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'InterruptConfigReg', 'InterruptDataReadyEnable')
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
def adxl345ReadOutput(moduleNickName):
moduleTypeName = 'Adxl345'
x0 = readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DataX0')
x1 = readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DataX0')
y0 = readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DataY0')
y1 = readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DataY1')
z0 = readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DataZ0')
z1 = readModuleRegister(moduleTypeName, moduleNickName, 'DataZ1')
xTwoComp = (x1 << 8) | x0
yTwoComp = (y1 << 8) | y0
zTwoComp = (z1 << 8) | z0
xDecNum = convertTwoCompNumToDecNum(xTwoComp)
yDecNum = convertTwoCompNumToDecNum(yTwoComp)
zDecNum = convertTwoCompNumToDecNum(zTwoComp)
adxl345OutputList = [xDecNum, yDecNum, zDecNum]
#print(' x1, x0, y1, y0, z1, z0 =', hex(x1), hex(x0), ' ', hex(y1), hex(y0), ' ', hex(z1), hex(z0))
#print(x, ' ', y, ' ', z)
#print(hex(x), ' ', hex(y), ' ', hex(z))
#fprint.printTitleString('x, y, z', fprint.indentFormat640, (hex(x) + ' ' + hex(y) + ' ' + hex(z)))
#fprint.printTitleString('x, y, z', fprint.indentFormat640, (bin(x) + ' ' + bin(y) + ' ' + bin(z)))
#x18BitStr = fprint.convertTwoOneByteNumToEighteenBitStr(x0, x1)
#y18BitStr = fprint.convertTwoOneByteNumToEighteenBitStr(y0, y1)
#z18BitStr = fprint.convertTwoOneByteNumToEighteenBitStr(z0, z1)
#fprint.printTitleString('x', fprint.indentFormat608, x18BitStr)
#fprint.printTitleString('y', fprint.indentFormat608, y18BitStr)
#fprint.printTitleString('z', fprint.indentFormat608, z18BitStr)
return adxl345OutputList
def testAdxl345DefaultModule():
#os.system('i2cdetect -y 1')
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
fprint.printTitleString(' Time', fprint.indentFormat640, ' X value Y Value Z Value')
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
totalCount = 4
for count in range(totalCount):
adxl345OutputList = adxl345ReadOutput('Jenny')
outputListStr = str(adxl345OutputList[0]).rjust(8) + ' ' + str(adxl345OutputList[1]).rjust(8) + ' ' + str(adxl345OutputList[2]).rjust(8)
fprint.printTitleString(str(count).rjust(4) + ' ' + str(, fprint.indentFormat640, outputListStr)
print(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')
# *** Test All In One ***
def testAllInOne():
# *** Get System Info***
# *** Test Pcf8591 ADC/DAC ***
# *** Test Pca9685 PWM Controller ***
# *** Test Mcp23017 GPIO Expander ***
# *** Test Adxl345 Accelerometer ***
# ****************************************************************************************
# ****************************************************************************************
# ****************************************************************************************
# ****************************************************************************************
# ****************************************************************************************
# ****************************************************************************************
# ****************************************************************************************
# ****************************************************************************************
# *** PCF8591 - tlfong01 2020nov26hkt1606 ***
# *** 5.1 PCF8591 ADC/DAC Config ***
pcf8591I2cDevAddr = 0x48
pcf8591DevAddrDict = {
'DevAddr0': 0x48,
'DevAddr1': 0x49,
'DevAddr2': 0x4a,
'DevAddr3': 0x4b,
'DevAddr4': 0x4c,
'DevAddr5': 0x4d,
'DevAddr6': 0x4e,
'DevAddr7': 0x4f,
pcf8591ControlByteDict = {
'ChannelNum0': 0x00,
'ChannelNum1': 0x01,
pcf8591ModuleDict = {
'ModuleType' : 'PCA9685',
#'ModuleHelp' : 'PwmControllerHelp',
#'DevAddrDict' : pca9685DevAddrDict,
#'RegAddrDict' : pca9685RegAddrDict,
#'ControlByteDict': pca9685ControlByteDict,
#'PingRegAddrName': 'Mode1',
'GreenTea': {'SignalName' : 'GreenTea',
'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus4',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
'ChannelNumName' : 'ChannelNum0',
'Milk' : {'SignalName' : 'Yvalue',
'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus4',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr1',
'ChannelNumName': 'ChannelNum0',
'Water' : {'SignalName' : 'Yvalue',
'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus4',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
'ChannelNumName': 'ChannelNum0',
'Oil' : {'SignalName' : 'Yvalue',
'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus4',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr1',
'ChannelNumName': 'ChannelNum0',
moduleDictDict = {
'Pcf8591' : pcf8591ModuleDict,
'Pca9685' : pca9685ModuleDict,
'Mcp23017' : mcp23017ModuleDict,
'Adxl345' : adxl345ModuleDict,
def writePcf8591TwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2):
devAddr = pcf8591I2cDevAddr
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2)
def testPcf8591Dev0V01():
print('Begin testPcf8591')
baseByte = 0x00
i2cBus = i2cBusDict['I2cBus1']
devAddr = pcf8591DevAddrDict['DevAddr0']
addrByte = 0x90 # 0x48 | 0x00 | 0x00)
ctrlByte = 0x91 # enable analog output, two differential input channels, no auto increment, channel #0)
writeByte1 = addrByte
writeByte2 = ctrlByte
print(' i2cBus Name =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr Name =', 'DevAddr0')
print(' writeByte1 =', hex(writeByte1))
print(' writeByte2 =', hex(writeByte2))
writePcf8591TwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2)
print('End testPcf8591')
def testPcf8591Dev0V02():
functionName = 'testPcf8591Dev0V02'
print('Begin execute function', functionName + '(), ...', 'tlfong01', timeNowShort)
baseByte = 0x00
i2cBus = i2cBusDict['I2cBus1'] # = i2cBus1
devAddr = pcf8591DevAddrDict['DevAddr0'] # = 0x48
addrByte = 0x90 # 0x48 | 0x00 | 0x00)
ctrlByte = 0x91 # enable analog output, two diff input channels, no auto increment, channel #0)
analogByte = 0x7f # 50% of Vcc
print(' I2cBusName = ', "'I2cBus1' (Rpi first I2C bus')")
print(' devAddrName = ', "'DevAddr0'(Rpi I2C bus address 0x48)")
print(' addrByte = ', hex(addrByte), '(0x90 = first PCF8591 device)')
print(' ctrlByte = ', hex(ctrlByte), '(0x91 = two differential channels)')
print(' analogByte = ', hex(analogByte), '(0x7f = half Vcc)')
writeDevThreeBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, addrByte, ctrlByte, analogByte)
print('End execute function', functionName + '().')
# ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
# *** MCP4725 ***
# ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
mcp4725I2cDevAddr = 0x60
mcp4725DevAddrDict = {
'DevAddr0': 0x60,
'DevAddr1': 0x61,
mcp4725ControlByteDict = {
'ChannelNum0': 0x00,
'ChannelNum1': 0x01,
mcp4725ModuleDict = {
'ModuleType' : 'MCP4725',
'GreenTea': {'SignalName' : 'GreenTea',
'I2cBusName' : 'I2cBus4',
'DevAddrName' : 'DevAddr0',
'ChannelNumName' : 'ChannelNum0',
def testMcp4725V01():
functionName = 'testMcp4725V01'
print('Begin execute function', functionName + '(), ...', 'tlfong01', timeNowShort)
baseByte = 0x00
i2cBus = i2cBusDict['I2cBus1'] # = i2cBus1
devAddr = mcp4725DevAddrDict['DevAddr0'] # = 0x60
#addrByte = 0x90 # 0x48 | 0x00 | 0x00)
#ctrlByte = 0x91 # enable analog output, two diff input channels, no auto increment, channel #0)
#analogByte = 0x7f # 50% of Vcc
print(' I2cBusName = ', "'I2cBus1' (Rpi first I2C bus')")
print(' devAddrName = ', "'DevAddr0'(Rpi I2C bus address 0x60)")
#print(' addrByte = ', hex(addrByte), '(0x90 = first mcp4725 device)')
#print(' ctrlByte = ', hex(ctrlByte), '(0x91 = two differential channels)')
#print(' analogByte = ', hex(analogByte), '(0x7f = half Vcc)')
#writeDevThreeBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, addrByte, ctrlByte, analogByte)
print('End execute function', functionName + '().')
def testMcp4725V02():
functionName = 'testMcp4725V02'
print('Begin execute function', functionName + '(), ...', 'tlfong01', timeNowShort)
baseByte = 0x00
i2cBus = i2cBusDict['I2cBus1'] # = i2cBus1
devAddr = mcp4725DevAddrDict['DevAddr0'] # = 0x60
#addrByte = 0x90 # 0x48 | 0x00 | 0x00)
#ctrlByte = 0x91 # enable analog output, two diff input channels, no auto increment, channel #0)
#analogByte = 0x7f # 50% of Vcc
print(' I2cBusName = ', "'I2cBus1' (Rpi first I2C bus')")
print(' devAddrName = ', "'DevAddr0'(Rpi I2C bus address 0x60)")
#print(' addrByte = ', hex(addrByte), '(0x90 = first mcp4725 device)')
#print(' ctrlByte = ', hex(ctrlByte), '(0x91 = two differential channels)')
#print(' analogByte = ', hex(analogByte), '(0x7f = half Vcc)')
#writeDevThreeBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, addrByte, ctrlByte, analogByte)
print('End execute function', functionName + '().')
def testMcp4725V03():
functionName = 'testMcp4725V03'
print('Begin execute function', functionName + '(), ...', 'tlfong01', timeNowShort)
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
# *** Full scale ***
writeByte1 = 0x0f
writeByte2 = 0xff
# *** Half scale ***
# writeByte1 = 0x08
# writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Quarter scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x04
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Eighth scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x02
#writeByte2 = 0x00
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' now =', 'Write 12-bit data in, ...')
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2)
#sleepSeconds = 4
#print(' now =', 'sleeping', sleepSeconds, 'seconds, <ctrl> C to exit ...')
print('End execute function', functionName + '().')
def testMcp4725V04():
functionName = 'testMcp4725V04'
print('Begin execute function', functionName + '(), ...', 'tlfong01', timeNowShort)
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
# *** Half scale ***
# writeByte1 = 0x08
# writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Quarter scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x04
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Eighth scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x02
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Full scale ***
writeByte1 = 0x0f
writeByte2 = 0xff
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' now =', 'DC SWeeping, ...')
# *** DC Sweep parameters ***
digiValStart = 0xfff
digiValEnd = 0xfff
digiValStep = 0x100
sweepCountTotal = 1
stepSeconds = 0.25
digiVal = digiValStart
for sweepCount in range(sweepCountTotal):
#digiValMsb = (digiVal & 0xff0) >> 4
#digiValLsb = (digiVal & 0x00f) << 4
digiValMsb = 0xff
digiValLsb = 0xf0
print(' digiVal =', hex(digiVal))
print(' digiValMsb =', hex(digiValMsb), ' ', end = '')
print('digiValLsb =', hex(digiValLsb))
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, digiValMsb, digiValLsb)
digiVal = digiVal + digiValStep
print('End execute function', functionName + '().')
def testMcp4725V05():
functionName = 'testMcp4725V05'
print('Begin execute function', functionName + '(), ...', 'tlfong01', timeNowShort)
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
# *** Full scale ***
writeByte1 = 0x0f
writeByte2 = 0xff
# *** Half scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x08
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Quarter scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x04
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Eighth scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x02
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Sixteenth scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x01
#writeByte2 = 0x00
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' now =', 'Write 12-bit data in, ...')
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2)
sleepSeconds = 1
print(' now =', 'sleeping', sleepSeconds, 'seconds, <ctrl> C to exit ...')
print('End execute function', functionName + '().')
def digiAnaConvertV06(i2cBus, devAddr, digiValMsb, digiValLsb, pauseSeconds):
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' digiValMsb =', hex(digiValMsb))
print(' digiValLsb =', hex(digiValLsb))
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, digiValMsb, digiValLsb)
def digiAnaConvertV07(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal, pauseSeconds):
writePowerModeDigiValMsb = (writePowerMode << 4) | ((digiVal & 0xf00) >> 8)
#writePowerModeDigiValMsb = 0x0f
digiValLsb = digiVal & 0x0ff
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' writePowerMode =', hex(writePowerMode))
print(' digiVal =', hex(digiVal))
print(' writePowerModeDigiValMsb =', hex(writePowerModeDigiValMsb))
print(' digiValLsb =', hex(digiValLsb))
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerModeDigiValMsb, digiValLsb)
def digiAnaConvertV08(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal):
writePowerModeDigiValMsb = (writePowerMode << 4) | ((digiVal & 0xf00) >> 8)
#writePowerModeDigiValMsb = 0x0f
digiValLsb = digiVal & 0x0ff
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' writePowerMode =', hex(writePowerMode))
print(' digiVal =', hex(digiVal))
print(' writePowerModeDigiValMsb =', hex(writePowerModeDigiValMsb))
print(' digiValLsb =', hex(digiValLsb))
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerModeDigiValMsb, digiValLsb)
def testDigiAnaConvertV06():
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
pauseSeconds = 1
digiAnaConvertV06(i2cBus, devAddr, 0x0f, 0xff, 2)
def testDigiAnaConvertV07():
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
writePowerMode = 0x0
digiVal = 0xfff
pauseSeconds = 1
digiAnaConvertV08(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
def testDigiAnaConvertV08():
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
writePowerMode = 0x0
digiVal = 0xfff
pauseSeconds = 1
digiVal = 0x0ff
for dacCount in range(15):
digiAnaConvertV08(i2cBus, devAddr, writePowerMode, digiVal)
digiVal = digiVal + 0x100
def testMcp4725V06():
functionName = 'testMcp4725V06'
print('Begin execute function', functionName + '(), ...', 'tlfong01', timeNowShort)
i2cBus = i2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
# *** Full scale ***
writeByte1 = 0x0f
writeByte2 = 0xff
# *** Half scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x08
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Quarter scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x04
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Eighth scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x02
#writeByte2 = 0x00
# *** Sixteenth scale ***
#writeByte1 = 0x01
#writeByte2 = 0x00
print(' I2cBusName =', 'I2cBus1')
print(' devAddr =', hex(0x60))
print(' now =', 'Write 12-bit data in, ...')
writeDevTwoBytes(i2cBus, devAddr, writeByte1, writeByte2)
sleepSeconds = 1
print(' now =', 'sleeping', sleepSeconds, 'seconds, <ctrl> C to exit ...')
print('End execute function', functionName + '().')
# *** Old test functions ***
# Last update = 2020dec26hkt2211
#os.system('grep dtparam=i2c /boot/config.txt')
#print(' ')
#os.system('i2cdetect -y 1')
# getSystemInfo()
#os.system('grep dtparam=i2c /boot/config.txt')
#print(' ')
# *** 10. Init/Main Function ***
def init():
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# *** End of Program ********************************************************************
# *** 11. Sample Outputs ***
>>> %Run
Begin execute function testMcp4725V03(), ... tlfong01 2020-12-26 22:11
I2cBusName = I2cBus1
devAddr = 0x60
now = Write 12-bit data in, ...
now = sleeping 4 seconds, <ctrl> C to exit ...
End execute function testMcp4725V03().
# *** End of Sample Output ***
Joe Biden
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